An inside look into Life as A TEFL Teacher in Thailand

Guest Writer-Teacher Fergal-My Teaching in Thailand Story

In December 2019, I had already been dreaming about going to Thailand. I was thinking about all those fantastic things you associate with Thailand: the unique architecture of the temples all across Thailand, the delicious Thai food (spicy or not), and the friendly and welcoming people, as Thailand is famously known as the land of smiles.

A Thai Temple on top of a mountain, with mountains in the background and foreground and a ladder leading up the mountain to the temple.

The World is Temporarily Closed

As I began planning it, I looked forward to it all. Then, all of a sudden, the coronavirus pandemic hit, and the dream came to a shattering halt. Similar dreams and hopes all stopped for almost everyone in the world. It was tough, but I used it well to prepare for Thailand.

I got my TEFL certificate and started to research Thailand further. I kept in contact with Tefel Ireland and organized for when the pandemic would eventually subside so I would be ready to go there.

A traditional theater sign with the words in black letters :The world is temporarily closed."

Carry On Regardless

During that time, I could only travel to Europe, where the world is tiny. In August 2020, in Germany, I met my wife-to-be from Thailand. I was having doubts about going to Thailand. Especially in terms of the massive changes from what I am used to in Ireland & Europe.

These doubts were all put to bed when I met her. It was an actual love-at-first-sight moment, and she was a pure Thai person who embodied everything great about Thai people. A friendly and respectful manner that was so suited to me. This was my confirmation that Thailand was going to be amazing.

A silhouette of a man with outstreached arms standing on top of the mountain facing the sun as it rises.

Planning My Teaching in Thailand Journey

I contacted TEFL Ireland again in July 2021, and I wanted to get the ball rolling and start preparing to go to Thailand. I prepared all my documents and worked on everything to prepare. By the time the new year came, I was ready to go!

So, in February 2022, we decided to set off on our Thailand journey, not before saying goodbye to Europe by running the Seville Marathon and stopping in Berlin with my soon-to-be wife. So we left Germany with a cold of -7 degrees and flew to Bangkok.

A man and a woman standing together in front of a beautiful European style building.

Landing in Thailand

Our flight arrived in Bangkok in the evening, and the weather change just instantly hit me. It was something I will never forget, as I had so many thoughts, and I replayed what the weather would be like as soon as I got to Thailand.

Nothing prepared me for what hit me, especially on that first day and night in Bangkok. I was still wearing my jacket when getting off the plane, and as soon as I was, I stepped outside the airport doors to go with our designated driver to fulfill our quarantine.

The heat hit me, and I was sweating a little bit, and it was only a 200-meter walk to the van.

The sun rising through clouds.

An All-Out Attack of the Senses

I have been to warm countries with tropical climates, from holidays in Florida, the USA, and Egypt. But this was different.

My first impression of Thailand was that it was a fast-moving, mammoth country and city.

The city of Bangkok itself?

Bangkok is nuts. It's as simple as that.

There is so much going on, sights, smells, tastes, and sounds – an all-out attack of the senses that leaves you gobsmacked.

But I loved it. It's bustling; be prepared for motorbikes left, right, and center, along with tuk-tuks and taxis everywhere you look and step. As crazy as it is and was, it was nothing compared to the hustle and bustle of London or New York when I was there; it's so much more laid-back and all about fun. After my quarantine finished, I got to do some sightseeing around Bangkok.

A Thai Tuk tuk in a busy street with people walking and market stalls and buildings.

I had a great first day out on the Chao Phraya River, sightseeing at the famous temples, and visiting floating markets. Still, at night, the city truly comes alive – as many travelers say to each other – anything can happen in Bangkok.

You can see why The Hangover 2 was set here – it's the only place as crazy as Vegas that could provide a backdrop for a story that ridiculous!

A view of Bangkok City at night from a distance, with tall buildings with their lights on.

My Teaching Journey Becomes Reality

After I finished in Bangkok, I traveled north to go to the Staffing Management Company based in Thailand called Kids English Thailand. Before I left for Thailand, I had been in constant contact with KET. They were fantastic from the first day of connection and made the transition to Thailand so smooth for my wife and me. I did my teacher training and Thai cultural orientation with KET.

KET’s Teacher Training & Thai Cultural Orientation

We learned some teaching techniques for Thailand and got to know Thai culture better. The training was excellent. Matt is the foreign teacher trainer and Mentor for all foreign teachers under the 'umbrella' of Kids English Thailand, and his wealth of experience is fantastic.

He has a great passion and enthusiasm for teaching, and together with the KET Team, they have created an excellent platform for foreign teachers from all over the world to come here to teach and experience Thailand at the same time. The training was fun and always included Thai culture, from the food to the Thai school customs.

Exploring and Experiencing Thailand

As we came to Thailand earlier than I needed to, it allowed me some time to travel and, mainly, to see the beautiful paradise beaches and landscapes that Thailand is most famous for.

I don't know what you may like to define paradise as, but for me, this was pretty damn as close it gets.

Everything I saw in south Thailand was intertwined with nature, from the ample fruit of bananas, coconuts, and durian (one the tastiest fruits I have had) growing in every part of the places we visited.

The lush green trees growing everywhere, including on the beaches, the sea water was crystal clear blue, and I could see that Thailand takes pride in keeping it this way (as I discovered with Loy Krathong, where the Thai people will pay respect and bless the water of the rivers and lakes around the country).

A man and a woman standing next to a river with a Thai Krathong in their hands.

The Beauty of My Wife’s Home Province

I love the south of Thailand, as does my wife; it is where she was born and grew up.

This is where my wife and I confirmed our marriage.

We also took some of the most beautiful photos on one of the many beaches in Khanom. It was a fantastic day, one that we will always cherish. Getting married in this beautiful paradise is truly a blessing.

She loves it so much in south Thailand, as I have never seen such unique and simply stunning scenery. When God created the world, he was undoubtedly smiling upon Thailand, particularly the south of Thailand.

A man and a woman dressed in wedding clothes standing in an embrace on a beach in Thailand.

Moving to My New Province and starting My TEFL Teaching Job

Eventually, it was time for me to start teaching. I began on the last day of April. The town I moved to is Tak Province, and I was in the Mueang Tak area, which means Tak Province City.

A lovely Thai in the middle of Thailand and near the Myanmar border. The school I was placed at is called Tak Pittayakhom School and is in the heart of the town.

A man and two women sitting at a table talking in an office with many tables, chairs and people in the background.

It's a great school; the students, other teachers, and staff have been fantastic to me since I started here. Coming from Ireland, the education system is very different and much more challenging than here.

A foreign teacher sitting with a group of students wearing blue school uniform.

The one major thing I was told is that all students don’t fail school in Thailand; the lowest grade is 60%, which equals a pass. In Ireland, it's not like that.

It is a great school; I love it because everyone is welcoming and gives a unique energy to everyday life. It is extraordinary because Thai culture is uniquely intertwined in every aspect of the school. For example, there are many holidays and days where students pray, like Asahna Bucha Day, which honors the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism; students will pray at school and light candles at their local wat (temple).

Another famous day that happens all across Thailand, which I was very impressed by, is Wai Kru Day (Teacher Appreciation Day), a day dedicated by the students to show respect to their teachers by bringing them gifts and flowers and thanking them for their help and guidance. There are also many other days for celebrations and holidays in Thailand.

The students are always very happy to see foreign teachers here; it's a rare sight for them, especially here in a rural Thai town. Every student smiles and says the famous 'Sa wad dee ka' daily with great energy and enthusiasm.

Tak Pittayakom School has created an excellent environment for the students to be happy and safe. The students love school; they even stay after school every day to play with their friends and practice English. The students are eager to learn at every turn and want to engage with you. They will even take pictures with you because, as a teacher in Thailand, you are highly respected.

Since I have been here, I have felt a special and unique energy every day. I have genuinely been made to feel a part of the culture. Along with the fantastic support of my wife here, it has made a living here just as good, if not better, than at home.

One bonus of being a teacher is you get holidays and days off. Suppose you use your time wisely and are willing to travel to other parts of this beautiful country. In that case, I have traveled a lot in Thailand to some beautiful places like Koh Samui, Krabi, Phi Phi Island, Phuket, Hua Hin, Chiang Mai, and Chiang Rai, to name but a few.

I have also used my time here to continue my passion for running and fitness. Since then, I have run the half marathons of the town I live in (Tak) and, of course, the Bangkok half marathon.

For anyone who is into running, you should run a race here. It may be tough to run them and adjust to the weather change, but it can be done with time and consistent training.

My Passion-Running Marathons

The two races I ran were very well organized, with lots of running goodies, a beautiful race t-shirt, a medal, and plenty of ah-ROI (delicious) food afterward. I will never forget that I woke up in Bangkok at 1 am to run the half marathon, which started at 3 am on a Saturday.

Most people, especially foreigners, would be in a pub or staggering home from one in Bangkok. Instead, I was walking past all that to run a half marathon; it was a strange but unique experience.

In my school, the students love sports, and I also love soccer. I have played a lot with the students and with the teachers. They all love to play with you, and it's a great feeling to be a part of the team and represent the school.

So far, I have played in two matches as part of the school teachers' team, who played against the teachers of another school. I am currently trying Taekwondo and want to try Muay Thai soon. I have already participated in my session, which I will continue to do here.

The bottom line is that this country is a paradise, and it is effortless to see why people love to come here. Not only is it a picture-postcard country to visit at every turn, but it is very cheap and affordable to live here or visit.

So far, my journey has been incredible, and my time teaching here has been a positive and warm experience.

I came here to make decisions, big decisions!

Do I want to return to study and get my full teaching license?

I have made my decision!

Yes, this is what I want to pursue!

Finally, when it ends, I have to go back home.

I know now that this is a place my wife and I will want to live permanently. This is how much I have loved it here, and it's something I can recommend to everyone.

It truly is a life-changing experience to come here and test yourself in a completely different environment.

This post will help you decide, and reading it will give you a sense of living and experiencing Thailand.

Khob Khun Kha (Thank you) for reading

Guest Writer Teacher Fergal from Ireland loves life in Tak Province, Tak City, Thailand, working with Kids English Thailand.


  1. Go to to read the guidelines for a visa run to Savannakhet, Laos.

  2. Go to to read the guidelines for completing the visa application form.

  3. Go to to read about the various categories of Thai visas and information for teaching in Thailand.

  4. Go to to read about Meaningful Work and Travel Teaching Positions starting in May 2023 with teacher training in April 2023.

  5. Go to to read about Teacher Olga’s experience in Lamphun Province Thailand during Loy Krathong Festival 2022.

  6. Go to to read about the seasons and climate in Thailand.

  7. Go to to read about Thailand's school year and how it differs from most other countries.

  8. Go to to read about Loy Krathong and Yi-Ping/Ye-Peng Festivals in Thailand.

  9. Go to to read a detailed guide to Thai and Alphabet languages.

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