Getting a Thai Driving License: Guide for Motorcycle and Teaching English in Thailand with Kids English
Guest Writer-Simon De Gooijer an English teacher in Sukhothai Province, Thailand
How to apply for a Thai Motorcycle License from teacher Simon De Gooijer.
Loy Krathong Festival 2020
One of the most marvelous of all Thai festivals is Loi Krathong. It is a true blessing if you are in Thailand during this time. Loi Krathong is a festival observed in Thailand, Laos, and Southeast Asia. The Loi Krathong festival takes place on the evening of the 12th month in the traditional Thai lunar calendar. Loi Krathong's dates change yearly because of the moon; however, it usually falls in October/November.
Understanding Thai Language-Communication in Thailand
If you plan to stay in Thailand for any length of time, you will find it helpful to learn to read and write Thai; however, it isn't necessary, only learning to speak basic Thai for everyday purposes will suffice.
Great Places to Visit During October School Holiday in Thailand
October happens to be a great month to visit the northern provinces of Thailand. The temperature tends to be more affable; it typically rains less than in the previous months & the surrounding paddy fields are at their most beautiful.